
Battlebots champions
Battlebots champions

battlebots champions

Or he does just the opposite, and takes it easy on the popular bots.

Battlebots champions driver#

He goes nuts on the hammer, repeatedly pounding bots after the driver has submitted. Many of them are simply lame and have no hope of damaging a bot. Get rid of the hazards, or make them way more powerful.Many times a relatively unknown bot loses to a popular bot after having apparently soundly beaten the popular entrant. Fights to the Death! The points system in place is entirely too subjective.What I would really like to see is the following: I enjoy the Battle Bots show, in spite of the cast. One kid looked like Brian Dennehy's "Mini-Me" and the guys who won the show all acted like wanna-be Foleys. I think Battlebots needs to hire Foley, and the rest of "Robot Wars" can just go suck eggs. He did, overall, provide a -much- better interaction with the builders. As an interviewer, his major problem was screwing up the name of a bot, and still using the facial expressions you'd expect from a wrestler. He also got to tell the teams who won, which was a nice touch too.

battlebots champions battlebots champions

The bots sucked, the fights were -boring- as hell and the only bright spot - surprisingly - was Mick Foley formerly AKA "Mankind" doing the post-fight interviews. The only way I could describe it was as Battlebots without the class. Every bot was a really pathetic contestant compared to the ones on Battlebots, and the hosts. Repeatedly I was proven -exactly- how right I was in the first place. I said it was pretty weak, he said "So?" and we both watched it anyhow. Last night, a friend of mine said it was on. If you think Battlebots is WW(F/E)ified, then run in fear from "Robot Wars: Extreme Gladiators" or whatever the hell it's called on TNN.

Battlebots champions